Read our in-person event wellness policy and pre-event self-check.

Candidate Information

Congratulations to those of you who are already candidates to join our organization, as your high academic standing allows us to consider you for membership. To those of you who are not yet candidates, we encourage you to continue your studies and look forward to meeting you in the future.

Academic standing alone does not guarantee membership; our other key requirement is exemplary character. Your participation at various events throughout the semester and the relationships you build with members and other candidates will help us in evaluating your character. We encourage you to attend an informational meeting (see the calendar) to learn more about what Tau Beta Pi has to offer and how you can join.

Basic Requirements for Membership

There are two main requirements for membership in Tau Beta Pi:

Distinguished Scholarship is determined as a percentage of each class. For Juniors, this is the top eighth (1/8th) of the class. For Seniors, the top fifth (1/5th) is eligible. Graduate Students are also eligible (after completing 50% of their coursework), and must be in the fifth (1/5th) of their class.
If you're scholastically eligible, you will be considered a candidate and invited to join us.

Exemplary Character is evaluated by the chapter during the course of your candidacy. It is important to interact with members and candidates, so they can get to know you.
Near the end of the semester, our members will vote on each candidate to elect them to membership.

Next Steps in the Membership Process

  1. Confirm your eligibility.
    • The eligibility list can be found on our eligibility page, in addition to being posted throughout the Engineering building on campus.
    • Candidates were also sent a letter in the mail to the address the school has on file.
    • If you believe you are eligible, and are not on the list we receive from the college, contact us and we should be able to determine your eligibility.
  2. Attend an Info Session.
    • Info sessions are held at various times throughout the week of February 5th through 11th and will cover the steps to becoming a member as well as provide an opportunity for you to get any questions about Tau Beta Pi or the process answered.
    • Exact dates, times, and a zoom link can be found on our calendar.
    • If you are unable to attend any of the scheduled sessions, please send us an email and we can schedule one for you.
  3. Complete the Additional Membership Requirements listed below.
    • The coffee break feedback slips, community service, and event proposal forms are due by April 9th, 2025.
    • Event attendance must be completed prior to initiation.

Additional Membership Requirements

While this may seem a bit daunting at first, we offer a wide variety of events at various times. We are engineering students too and we understand how busy your schedule can be. Please let us know if you are struggling with the process and we will do our best to help.

Candidate Forms

Forms can be handed to an officer at an event or emailed to the officers. The coffee break feedback slips, community service, and event proposal forms are to be completed and returned by April 9th, 2025.

Coffee Breaks

What to Bring to the Interview