[Staff] Distribution of e-mail and a flyer of Japanese 296 "Intro to Japanese Studies"

Cindi McClain cmcclain at mail.sdsu.edu
Mon Apr 18 10:20:24 PDT 2011

Dear College of Engineering faculty,

Attached please find a flyer for a new course Japanese 296 “Introduction to
Japanese Studies” (3 units, CR/NC only) which will be offered from May 25
to July 7 (Session 1) this summer.  This is a regular University course
version of the Japan Studies Institute which I offered each summer from
(2006-2008 as the National Faculty Development Institute and 2009 as the
Japan Studies Academy for Gifted Youth).

For the first time, it will be available for SDSU students.

As you know, an experimental topics course cannot be accepted as a GE
course. Therefore, I am preparing to submit this course as Japanese 295 so
that it will be considered as a GE course (Foundations-Humanities and Fine
Arts).  Once Japanese 295 is accepted as a GE course, Japanese 296 can be
“grandfathered in” as a GE course if the students petition, according to
Dean Anderson of the Division of Undergraduate Studies.

Please note that each participant will receive gifts worth $60 (materials
for workshops and a DVD).

I would deeply appreciate it if you could share this information with your
students who might be interested in Japan.

Please have your students contact me if they have any questions.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yoshiko Higurashi, Ph.D. (日暮嘉子)
Director, Japan International Programs
Professor & Director, Japanese Language Program Director, AASCU* National
Faculty Development Institute "Japan Studies Institute"

Department of Linguistics and Asian/Middle Eastern Languages San Diego State
University 5500 Campanile Drive San Diego, California, U.S.A.  92182-7727

E-mail: yhigurashi at mail.sdsu.edu
Phone: (619) 594-1005 (direct line)
Fax:     (619) 444-2876 (direct line)
Office:  Education and Business Administration (EBA)-323

Higurashi Home Page: www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~higurash/
AASCU* Home Page: www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~japanese/
* American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU)

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